
Archive: December 2017

Donations Made!

Category: Announcements

At our 70th Anniversary celebration last fall, we decided to donate our remaining funds to the following three charities: The Turtle Hospital, Marathon FL Turtle Fly Too, Boise, ID Muscular Dystrophy Association, Washington, DC Click here to see the... Read More >

Turtle Memorabilia

Category: Uncategorized

With almost 100 people attending the 70th last weekend, we put a significant dent in finding homes for the Turtle memorabilia that was collected over the years. The clock is however ticking on finding homes for... Read More >

70th Anniversary Celebration

Category: Uncategorized

It’s not too late to sign up for this special event. Do it today! Saturday September 30, 2023 Pregame Gathering Casa Capri 10:00am – 12:00noon Celebration Event         Parkway Chateau 5:00pm – 8:00pm 12304 – 75th Street, Kenosha (I-94 & Hwy 50) $20 per person... Read More >

Congratulations Actives on winning Homecoming 2019!!! What am I donating to?

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